Soldier Songs & Voices is a nonprofit organization that provides free instruments and songwriting lessons to veterans as a form of post-conflict care. Through music education and community-based outreach, we provide veterans with tools to turn their stories into songs so the nation can hear their voices. Our goal is to create communities that honor veterans of all generations.
We do not just support veterans. We invest in them.
The work of Kasem Cares addresses the experiences of an increasing number of families whose family members need protection from abuse, regardless of their financial status. Increasingly, adult family members around the country need to protect ailing relatives whose lives are being controlled by someone who restricts access to and creates inhumane conditions for a vulnerable adult.
Kerri Kasem is speaking out and supporting legislation to stop Elder Abuse in the form of isolation of an ailing parent or loved one. Thousands of families are torn apart everyday due to an abusive caretaker alienating/isolating their spouse, sibling, or patient from their loved ones.
Too many people are harming themselves and/or dying from accidental ingestion of dangerous and oftentimes fatal substances. We've proudly helped thousands of people avoid harm by detecting these horrible, unwanted substances, and we will continue to do so for as long as we possibly can.
TN Scientific is a company dedicated to the Research & Development of supplements and products such as The Hangover Pill, The SleepEasy Pill, and our very own Reagent Test Kits. Visit our website for full-length articles on our research.
Psychedelics Today is dedicated to exploring and discussing the important academic/scientific and other research in the field of psychedelics. We are interested in how psychedelics and other non-ordinary states of consciousness relate to human potential as well as the healing potential that they can foster.
The lack of access to menstrual hygiene products is often a misunderstood or utterly unknown issue in the United States. Menstrual hygiene products are necessities for females but are not available in many schools, shelters, and emerging communities to women and girls in need.
The Homeless Period Projects works with school nurses and principals to create an understanding of the pressing issue. Menstrual hygiene products are one of the least donated items to homeless and women’s shelters. Many less advantaged households don’t realize they are placing their girls at a disadvantage by encouraging them to miss school or work because be menstrual hygiene is not considered a necessity.
Hippy Feet is a Minneapolis-based Benefit Corporation dedicated to supporting the homeless. Each product sold allows us to provide transitional employment to young people ages 16-24 who are experiencing homelessness. Through a program called Pop-Up Employment, Hippy Feet creates jobs for homeless youth via our packaging, screen printing, and embroidery operations. We bring these jobs directly to the young people we aim to serve.
Using recycled and more sustainable materials, Hippy Feet is also helping to save the planet, including 1 million gallons of water just in the last year.
Great socks. Great company.
Music Care is the use of specific music — music that YOU love — to produce a desired emotional, mental or even physical result. That result could be calming you after a stressful day, firing you up at a ball game, helping you focus or study to prepare for an exam, or transforming “negative” emotions into “positive” ones. Physiologically, human beings respond to sound without effort or thought. That is, when we hear sound, the vibrational energy of the sound is converted to electrical impulses by our ears and triggers the release all sorts of brain chemistry – neurotransmitters and hormones – that create a response to what we heard. Our emotions or heart rate can change just by listening. Two examples: an “adrenaline rush” can result from certain kinds of music; other kinds of music predictably lower blood pressure.
St. Francis House is an emergency temporary shelter designed to assist the homeless population by assigning shelter residents a case manager to assist them in the personalized goals they set together. These goals may vary from assistance in finding employment to medical services that are needed. St. Francis House goes well beyond feeding the hungry. Our goal is to stop the cycle of homelessness and help those who need it, become self-sufficient.
Peaceful Paths is the certified domestic violence center that serves survivors of domestic violence in Alachua, Bradford and Union counties. Peaceful Paths provides a wide range of services including emergency shelter, 24-hour helpline, victim advocacy, children’s programming, education and training, crisis counseling and support groups, community awareness and intervention, and violence prevention programs. Peaceful Path is a member of the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (FCADV).
Founder and CEO, Lauren DePaola is on a mission to help women and families suffering through perinatal mental health problems. Having suffered from post-partum depression after the birth of her first child, Lauren understands first hand the struggles many women go through. She advocates in the United States for perinatal mental health and is involved in leading organizations.
Peer Respites such as Serenoa House provide sanctuary and an opportunity to connect with fellow members of a community that self-identify as peers. In this context, a peer is a person who has experienced overwhelming mental or emotional distress and seeks to form meaningful relationships with others. Peer Resites have been recognized nationally as an effective means for providing support services that fortify traditional mental health programs.
Hippy Feet is a Minneapolis-based Benefit Corporation dedicated to supporting the homeless. Each product sold allows us to provide transitional employment to young people ages 16-24 who are experiencing homelessness. Through a program called Pop-Up Employment, Hippy Feet creates jobs for homeless youth via our packaging, screen printing, and embroidery operations. We bring these jobs directly to the young people we aim to serve.
Using recycled and more sustainable materials, Hippy Feet is also helping to save the planet, including 1 million gallons of water just in the last year.
Great socks. Great company.
20 Concepts to rewire the brain.
Lasting recovery from PTSD due to childhood trauma.
When most people hear the words Post Traumatic Stress Disorder they think of war veterans. Very few realize that they may have the disorder as a result of early childhood attachment conflicts or traumatic events experienced throughout life.
A 30-day program to balance your hormones, reclaim your body and reverse the dangerous side effects of the birth control pill and other hormonal birth control.
Finally understand what your symptoms mean so you can enjoy a "normal" period and hormones without the need for medication.
If there is one thing we know about men and sex it is that men are always in the mood. Any time, any place. Right? Wrong.
Men’s sexual desire has long been depicted as high, simple, and unwavering. But the new research around men’s desire tells us this is far from true, and that good sex and relationships are suffering from these long-held misconceptions.
Drs. Andrew Budson and Maureen O’Connor explain to families how they can manage all the problems that come with dementia—including those with memory, language, vision, depression, behavior, agitation, aggression, sleep, falls, incontinence, and more—and still take care of themselves, in six simple steps.
Dr Daniel Gibbs is one of 50 million people worldwide with an Alzheimer's disease diagnosis. Unlike most patients with Alzheimer's, however, Dr Gibbs worked as a neurologist for twenty-five years, caring for patients with the very disease now affecting him. Also unusual is that Dr Gibbs had begun to suspect he had Alzheimer's several years before any official diagnosis could be made. Forewarned by genetic testing showing he carried alleles that increased the risk of developing the disease, he noticed symptoms of mild cognitive impairment long before any tests would have alerted him. In this highly personal account, Dr Gibbs documents the effect his diagnosis has had on his life and explains his advocacy for improving early recognition of Alzheimer's. .
Is PMS following you around like a gloomy rain cloud?
Are you doubled over in pain and you can’t do much more than reach for the Midol and clutch a hot-water bottle to your abdomen?
Have you called in sick to work or cancelled a fun night out with the girls because your period is too heavy/painful/unbearable?
Have you thought about putting up “Missing” posters around town because your period has gone MIA?
Is your period so irregular that you have no idea when she’s making an appearance or you’re dreading her arrival? Then girlfriend, you need to FIX YOUR PERIOD!
How does a woman embrace her maturity with joy and strength when her body and life changes year to year? Clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manly provides an important and meaningful window into womanhood for those approaching fifty and beyond.
A must-read book for every woman who wants to embrace aging, Aging Joyfully touches the sensitive reality of the transition from a life filled with new beginnings to a graceful process filled with freedom, beauty, and joy.
In 2011, my family was in a major car accident. We were hit head-on by a man in the throes of a heart attack. It took three years to recover from our injuries, and a couple more to deal with the aftereffects of trauma. When I finally returned to the world as father and husband, friend and brother, writer and citizen, it became clear that our society was in its own traumatized state—
Most of us at some point in our lives will be struck by major traumas such as the sudden death of a loved one, a debilitating disease, assault, or a natural disaster. Resilience refers to the ability to 'bounce back' after encountering difficulty. This book provides a guide to building emotional, mental and physical resilience by presenting ten factors to help anyone become more resilient to life's challenges.
If you find yourself running away from fear, you’re running in the wrong direction. Fear demands that we move toward it, face it, and hear its messages. When we fail to do this, the price is chronic anxiety, sleeplessness, damaged relationships, skyrocketing pharmaceutical use, and more. In her enlightening book Joy from Fear, clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manly explains that fear is not the enemy we thought it was; fear, when faced with awareness, is the powerful ally and best friend we all need.
Chronic headaches…brain fog…fatigue…weight gain…insomnia…gut pain…autoimmune conditions. We may think these and other all-too-common modern maladies are due to gluten intake or too much sugar or too little exercise. But there is another missing piece to the health puzzle: Proper hydration.
I lost both men I dated in medical school to suicide. In just over a year we lost three physicians in my town to suicide. I was once a suicidal doctor myself. Thankfully, I survived to tell my story—and to share a secret that has been hidden from public view for more than a century.
Translating Your Success has a special meaning to Carlos J. Malave, who grew up in a bilingual household, hearing Spanish from his father and English from his mother. He learned at an early age that two different words could have the same meaning.
As a child, he was a success at sports but lagged behind his siblings in academics. After reflecting on his circumstances, Carlos realized that he could succeed in school by applying the same principles that made him a good athlete to being a good student. He translated his success from one area of his life to another. And, as he grew older, he applied these same principles to his life. His father had a drinking problem, and Carlos had often asked him, “Why don’t you stop drinking?” But he never asked him, “Why do you drink?” To solve a problem, one first must determine its cause.
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